Monday, February 27, 2006

The Olympics are over. No more excuses. It's time to buckle down and get to work.
I spent yesterday afternoon working on the travel guide book. Looks like that's what I'll be doing for the next two months. Oh well, that's what they pay me for. Ha!
In between or as I like to say, 'in my spare time', I've got to get my classes ready and record some CDs to get up on line.
I hope to get better at going to bed early, so I can get up early. This morning wasn't too bad. I can usually do it for a few days, then I crash. Too much to do. That's why I can't sleep. ARGH!
Have a lot to do today, so I'll close. I'll keep you posted on my page count for this book. Yikes! Right now, it's 0. Must change that today. I'll let you know tomorrow how I do.
Til Then~

Sunday, February 26, 2006

I have been on the phone talking to my girlfriend. We have been talking about diets, critique groups, and how our lives are so strange right now. Sometimes I wonder if we will ever have the kinds of lives we want. It is so hard and when you're young you have so many hopes and dreams. For some reasons, it never seems to work out the way you want it.
My life is not baaaad. It's just not what I envisioned it would be. Even ten years ago, I thought things would be different and I had such hopes.
One good thing is I know I can write for as long as I am alive. It's not like baseball or construction work where a person has to seems early on. I can write forever. And I will. I do love writing. I love everything about it. I just wish I could come up with more time to do it. If I could make some big money, I could do what I want, when I wanted to do it. I guess as badly as I hate to say this, I'm just going to have to quit teaching.
My daughter and I have been doing creative cards. She's been saying she's not creative, but she is and at times much more creative than me. She is not intimidated by perfection as badly as I am.
Did you see Apolo win the Gold medal last night? He was wonderful. He seems so real, so down-to-earth. I'm sure there is something wrong with him. Ha! No one can be that good. :-)
Going to go eat a container of yogart. Will write more tomorrow.
Til Then~

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Hello All~
I have spent the last three days in the bowels of the Historical Society. While I did get some information, it's less than what I needed. I'm now having to re-evaluate how I'm going to attack this project. Tomorrow, I will get organized and Monday, get down to some serious work.
My Olympics only has two days left. So sad. I do love watching them. Now, I'll have to wait four more years to see them again. I wonder what life will be like in four more years.
I had a dream about my sister-in-law, Pat, last night. It was weird. I dreamed I was talking to her and we were discussing how when people die, life goes on, and those that are left continue with their life as if the people who are gone were never here. When I woke up, I thought, that's what it looks like on the outside. But inside, those who loved that person keep hurting and wanting their loved ones back. I look around at all my stuff and wonder what would happen to it if I died today. It's deep to think about it and I can't. I have started to go down that path, but it freaks me out.
Was reading about Dave Longaberger and was touched by what he said. He had cancer and he said he was looking forward to the next adventure on the other side. Now that was a brave guy.
I admit it. I'm a woos. I think so much of Pat and what she had to think about before she died. Sad, so very sad.
Got to run. Will write more tomorrow.
Til Then~

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I mailed off my book manuscript yesterday. I had to stand in line at the post office for thirty minutes. It was not a very good day for me. I'm hoping today is better. I've got to go down to the Historical Society and do some research. Was going to go today, but the roads were still gross, so I decided to wait.
Have been up trying to take care of some business. Went to bed, but couldn't sleep. Am feeling tired now, so I guess I'll go try it again.
Will write more tomorrow.
Til Then~

Monday, February 20, 2006

It is still freezing cold. Ice still on the ground. I'm really getting tired of this. It's one thing to have this and it be gone the next day. It's another thing for it to hang on forever. I am now officially ready for Spring.
Watched the Olympics last night. Currently curling is on. I don't know how we've done in medal standing. Will have to go check.
I am frantically trying to get a manuscript in the mail. I've been supposed to have it out for over a month now.
Will be taping CDs all this next week while working on the travel guide book. I'm going to go crazy here shortly or as one of my little kids' say, "my head's going to 'splode".
With that, I better run. I'll write more tomorrow. I'm sure I'll still be locked away.
Til Then~

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Another weekend of Olympics. Yes! Last night, we watched Apolo skate. He won a bronze. We also saw the guys jump off the "big hill".
I love the Olympics because of the stories of the athletes. There are so many inspirational moments. I can't remember exactly whom, but there were those with injuries who still showed up to compete. We saw Bode too yesterday. It was sad that he didn't complete his run, buuuuuttt it was inspiring to see him hold on to his balance, not crash, and live to come back in another race. Then there's also Dan Jansen. He's not skating this year, but he has the legacy of falling over and over again, and getting back up.
That is sort of a theme in my life. I am always inspired when I see others who may have faced greater odds than I have and come back time and time again. It's a lesson for us all.
I read a story this morning about Winston Churchill. He was asked to give an inspirational speech to a group of graduates. (I think it was graduates.) He carried his speech to the podium after being introduced and everyone waited in anticipation, he said, "Never, never, never give up." That was it.
That's what I want to tell you today. Keep plugging along. Get back up when you get knocked down. And never give up.
Til Tomorrow~

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Brrrrrr. It is freezing cold outside and I mean that literally. We went from 75 to 9. There is snow, ice, wind. It is not pleasant at all. A whole lot of things have been cancelled. I was supposed to teach a class this morning at 10. It got cancelled. I didn't sleep too good last night worrying about it. I called the co-ordinator last night and told her I didn't do ice. She said she would call everyone, but I wasn't sure if she could even make it in. At 10 when I finally got up, I saw on television that they had cancelled all the classes. OKRWA cancelled. OKC Writers cancelled. The libraries closed. With that I think you can tell how bad it is. Last night, when the front started moving through there were 23 wrecks. It was horrible. Today is a free day. ..sort of. My daughter and I cleaned house this morning and now I'm in the office, attempting to get some stuff done.
I'm excited because I figured out how to get the chat rooms working last night. I've got to go write my schedules for them today. Pretty cool.
Better run and see what I can get done today. Catch you tomorrow.
Til Then~

Friday, February 17, 2006

Strange things are happening, not only with my computer, but the Internet. I had to shut everything down and reboot. Now, it looks as if everything is blurry. Don't know if it's my eyes or if the fonts have changed. Yikes! Will struggle through.
Looks like I am going to have an interesting next two weeks. I just called and the Historical Society Archives is shutting down for 6 weeks while they move over to the new building. They won't be open until after April 15th, which is about two weeks after my initial deadline. So, next week, I've got to make a lot of things happen. Should prove nerve wracking and crazy. But then, isn't that the way my life is all the time anyway.
Watched the Olympics again last night. Haven't checked today to see what medals we've won. Trying to stay ahead of the pack with my email, etc. Currently, I am falling behind and see no end in sight. It always seems to pour when it rains.
Better run. Have muy things to do before 5 and it's already 2:30. Oh boy.
Catch you tomorrow.
Til Then~

Thursday, February 16, 2006

It is now officially cold here. Was warm this morning. My daughter called, said it was 75 just east of here. I promise it is NOT 75 now. Winter has blown back in and I mean that literally. The wind is blowing. It's crazy.
Watched the Olympics last night. Apolo is doing a great job. Although I did get nervous when he passed on the outside, but that's just me. I did not want to see him wipe out.
Had a rather bizarre dream this morning. I dreamed I was at the Olympic Village and stepped inside this office where there were unusual boxes of chocolates. I ordered some for my husband. The box was designed with a gorilla who laughed when one took a chocolate. I was at the OV for a weird reason. I was investigating a murder--the problem was I didn't know whose. Needless to say, it was strange.
Tonight, more Olympics. I've got to get grading some papers. March 8th will be here before I know it. Also need to get on the travel book, etc. Would help too if I'd get my handouts ready for class on Saturday too. Better go do those now. Will write more later.
Til Then~

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Another Gold for the US. Well, I guess a few more. I was excited for the young 21-year-old. Got tickled at him when he said, while the other athletes look around for their wives or go to their trailers, he looks for his parents. But that is so sweet too.
I went to town today, got groceries, and went to a craft store before the cold sets in. It is supposed to get down to sub-zero degrees and maybe snow and ice here. Brrr. I've been checking up north and it's snowing in Colorado and Montana. My friend is not a happy camper.
Tonight we're going to be watching the Olympics again. I hope we win some more medals and that everyone is safe. Yesterday was not a good day for everyone. Yikes!
Am running short on time, so I will run. Will write more tomorrow.
Til Then~

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Okay, today I am eating my words. I typically have a problem with others besides the US winning, however last night, after the pairs skating, the awards were as they should have been. I was rooting for the Russians and Chinese. Good grief! The stuff they have been through. I remember seeing that routine where the Russian guy dropped his partner. I tell you, she's got more plunk than I have. I would have probably given up. Then there was the Chinese guy who tore his ACL, had that surgery and was back on the ice, what six months after surgery? I admit it, I'm a woos. I'd still be hobbling, probably complaining about my skate rubbing the back of my leg. Then what about that last pair that skated. I'm afraid they would have had to come scrape me off the ice with the zamboni thing. I don't think I would have gotten up. I'm absolutely positivo I wouldn't have gone back out there and finished the darn routine. Nope, I would have given up. And then look, they won the silver, skated a perfect remaining thing.
I'm taking a lesson from all of them. (Getting teary-eyed.) When you fall, get up, start over, or continue. No matter how painful, how embarrassing, how broken-hearted you are, try again.
Congrats to all three pair. I am so proud of them and proud to be part of the "human" race.
Til Tomorrow~

Monday, February 13, 2006

Watched the Olympics again last night. Poor Apolo. Good grief. Felt so badly for him when he went down. I think I was even more afraid he was injured. Afterall, he does have a few more opportunities. And what about that "Flying Tomato"? Mr. White made us proud, even after his late start. Bob Costas interview him last night. It was funny, typical kid. He was quoted as saying, the medals would help them (his other snow boarding buddies) get babes. You got to love the way they think. I chuckle every time I think about it.
I think pairs skating is back on tonight. I'm trying to get in to it. I don't think there are any Canadians in this year. Only one US team and I think they are number 7 currently. Not so exciting when the Russians always win--cheating and all.
Have a massle of work to get done today, so I will close. Have to be able to watch my Olympics later. Yippeee!
Til Tomorrow~

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Controversy has already started in regard to the Olympics. I guess Michelle Kwan had to drop out. I'm sad about that. I was really hoping she would stick it out, then be an inspirational story. I can understand why she did withdraw though. She took one for the team. You can imagine how badly she wanted to compete, but after she fell, she probably thought she didn't have it mentally to win for the US, so she withdrew to allow a younger athlete who didn't have the mental block she was carrying, come in and try. I admire her for that, but once again am sorry. She might have been able to pull through it, but I guess now we'll never know. Whether it was a right decision or wrong one, it isn't for us to say. It was up to her. She had to do what she felt was right and what she could live with. Like I said, she took one for the team.
Watching the Olympics now. Getting ready to go check out tonight's competition. Check in tomorrow.
Til Then~

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Olympics are on even as I type this. The Nordic Combined is on. We watched the opening ceremony last night. It was beautiful. I continue to be amazed at how beautiful Sophia Loren looks, even at 70. We were thrilled to see our athletes, but somewhat disconcerted to hear China and Russia teaming up to train so they could beat us. What's that about? Hello! Another thing that made me twitch was how many people have gone to school, teach, live here in the United States, but are competing for other countries. Another hellllllo! I find a lot of things maddening, but not wanting to make this blog political will stop here.
It has turned cold here. I had to run to town earlier and to say the wind bit would be an understatement. It's downright cold and the wind....makes it painful.
Must go, check out the athletes. There was one country that only had one athlete. I think it was Madagascar. (?) I believe this was the first time this country had any in the Olympics. I so want them to win. Going to have to check that out.
Catch you tomorrow.
Til Then~

Friday, February 10, 2006

I am so excited. Tonight is the first night of the Olympics. Well actually, it's opening ceremony. For two solid weeks, I will have the pleasure of hearing the familiar hum of athletes stretching themselves and reaching for goals.
I love the Winter Olympics. Granted, there are a few sports I don't understand, but overall, I like them all. I like the history of the country, the inspirational athletes' stories, and watching them do their best for their country. It's inspirational!
Have much to do yet before this evening, so I will close. Catch you tomorrow.
Til Then~

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Yikes! I can't believe it has been almost a week since I posted. The time just flies by. I had big plans for this day, however here it is 4 P.M. and I feel as if I have nothing accomplished. I am one person home from college, ill. One coming over to wash and use my computer. Husband will be home shortly and all will be expecting supper. What's a mother to do?
I am working on a schedule. I've got a book I need to get on, plus a laundry list of items to do for a class I'm teaching. Good grief.
Will catch you tomorrow.
Til Then~

Friday, February 03, 2006

I received a contract in the mail yesterday. Am going to be working on a book for the next three months. I'm gearing up and praying my energy doesn't desert me. I have big plans for this edition. I hope I can pull it off.
Sometimes I feel like my dreams and goals are hopeless and worthless. After all, in review of my life, what have I really accomplished. Am I too impatient with myself? Now that could very well be as I want everything now. I need to get more disciplined in so many areas of my life. For so long, I've squandered time here and there thinking I needed a set amount of time to do something. My biggest problem was I'd sit down at the keyboard, lose track of time, and hours later be in trouble for it. I could never really focus because I was always worried about if I'd go over time again.
Today, I set a timer and work in one hour encrements. This allows me to fully concentrate on my projects because I know in an hour the timer will go off and I can decide whether to continue another hour or stop. There are the phone calls to contend with still and other distractions, but I hope this year will see me setting a new pace and the discipline will return. It's just got to if I want to reach any of my goals.
The timer's running.
Til Tomorrow~

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Two days and counting. Opening night for the Olympics is tomorrow night. I am excited. Finally, something to look forward to...even if it's only for two weeks.
I admit it. I am not a sport's person. I can't stand to watch any college sports and pro sports makes me nauseated. All the money those pro athletes make and they still gripe and complain. Good grief, if I had even half the money most of them have....
Back to the Olympics. I like the Olympics because those athletes have goals. They want to beat their own record and their opponents. They're not in it for 5.2 million a year, although when they finish, they may be offered endorsements, at least those athletes here in the States. They're in it for the glory, to represent their country, make their fellow country men proud. Sure they're in it for the competition, but they're also in it for the pride. Oh, that the rest of us could say we do what we do for as much.
Til Tomorrow~

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Talked to a friend a few days ago about the "James Frey Controversy". We're both pretty disgusted over the whole matter. In retrospect, he still made millions and Oprah still has her integrity. The next book he comes out with, people will buy it just to see what he says. Yes, that's the way it works. Lie, cheat, become a politician, or become embroiled in a controversy, and you will be on your way. Those of us, out here in the trenches, who are honest, hard-working, just want to share our experiences, or tell our stories, have to sweat blood to get anyone to sit up and take notice. Se-la-vi.
I'm not complaining too much. Okay, I admit I have become cynical, but when I see books published by Charles Barclay, Bill and Hillary Clinton, etc., etc., and they are making millions ONLY because of their name, I have to shake my head.
Perhaps I was raised to be too honest, too hard-working, and a perfectionist to boot. Maybe I don't have that dishonest, controversial, cut-throat, lying, cheating gene. Maybe I want too many people to like me. Maybe I feel integrity should stand for something. Maybe I define success by helping someone in sincere fashion, not expecting anything in return.
One day, my ship will come in. When it does I'll be able to hold my head high. It might not be today or tomorrow, but someday. Until then, I'll do an honest day's work. Ooooorrrrr I could look for a controversy, have an affair with a famous person, etc. Anybody know any juicy gossip?
Til Tomorrow~