Monday, September 24, 2007

Writing is hard work. Face it. Anyone who does write, knows that. People who don't, think it's an easy, woos job. As much as I hate to clean toilets, I have grabbed my scrubber and gone after it, when I've been stuck on a scene or my characters aren't behaving like I think they should. But on the days that the writing is going well, it can turn your life around. I remember getting up from the keyboard and thinking 'wow, today I feel like a writer'. That's the good days.
How many good days have you had this month? For me, not enough.
Til Next Time~

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Have been playing catch-up today. It's amazing how things can get so far behind if you don't stay on top of them. I think I have a system now. We'll see how next week goes. Ha!
I've got to get another email interview ready. Still trying to find out what happened to the last one I sent. It seems to be missing--at least my subject hasn't written that she has received it. She could be out of town, etc. I sent her another email so hopefully I will hear from her soon.
Time for me to get back on the proposal too. Argh!
Think I'm going to go do some artsy-fartsy things while I'm thinking of the interview questions for subject 2. Seem to think better when emmersed in art.
Til Next Time~

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I gave the wrong URL for the NanoWriter group. The correct one is
Be sure to check it out.
Til Next Time~

I received an email today that reminded me of the Nano Month coming up in November. I've been wishy-washy, trying to decide if I want to join this year. I thought I wouldn't and then today thought I might go ahead and try it. I did so enjoy myself last year. Even though the book I wrote will no doubt never see the light of day, it was fun. Since I have almost talked myself in to joining, I am pondering a topic to write about. I'm leaning toward somethiing experimental, maybe sci-fi or nightmare horrish. I'll have to see.
If you are interested in joining this year, check out the website, Chris said the site would be down until October 1. They are refurbishing it to get ready for November. But think about joining. It's fun and if nothing else the experience will teach you a lot.
Til Next Time~

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hello All! I can not believe how time flies. In a few days fall will be here. I honestly don't know what happened to summer. It was here and now gone. Wow!
I have continued to write something, even though it may be something small, all through the summer. A little bit eventually equals a lot. It's like the saying, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
No matter how little time you have to write, write a little something every day. It will eventually add up. One page, or 250 words a day, at the end of the year even if only written Monday through Friday, will still add up to 240 pages.
So, start with baby steps. They are all part of getting to your goal.
Keep writing and having fun.
Til Next Time~

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Yesterday was a good writing day. I worked on a number of projects. Didn't complete any, but put a dent in several. Today, I had to go to town, so that put a chink in my armor, but there is always tomorrow.
Have received several books I've got to get to reading. Almost one interview ready to go and have the overview for that one book written. Things are looking up.
One small mouse step at a time, I told myself yesterday when I was on the verge of a collapse. I will reach my goals if it's the last thing I do.
Til Next Time~

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I hope some of you were able to visit the Muse Online Writers Conference website. I'm looking forward to the conference. It will be a new experience for me. I want to check it out and see how online conferences may help my career.
With that said, for those of you who aren't aware, Maria Schneider, editor of Writer's Digest Magazine, has a blog. She discusses varying topics, but this morning I was particularly intersted in her subject--rejection. Had to chuckle at some of the responses she received. It seems to be a 'universal truth' that everyone gets rejected. Through the years, rejection has become one of those things to me. Yes, it's there, it happens, but doesn't make me want to stop writing and submitting. I just look at it as one of those occupational hazards--speeding tickets, hair in restaurant food, spaghetti stains on white business shirt, and hitting every green light in town when you leave so you'll have plenty of time to get through the red lights on your way to your doctor's appointment.
Maybe we should have our own bumper sticker which reads, 'Rejection Happens!'. I don't know though. The masses may get the wrong idea, but who knows....
In the meantime, for those lamenting the 51st rejection of your novel, you might want to purchase the book, "Rotten Rejections". When I get low and begin questioning my writing and marketing ability, I pull this slim volume off the shelf and flip through the pages. I always smile at the rejection sent to Anne Frank for "The Diary of Anne Frank", 1952. It read, "The girl doesn't, it seems to me, have a special perception or feeling which would lift the book above the 'curiosity' level." Or, a rejection sent to Zane Grey (1908) for his "The Last of the Plainsmen". His rejection read, "I do not see anything in this to convince ne you can write either narrative or fiction". Ouch!
So chin up. Don't get discouraged. Rejection happens! Be proud it happens to you. It puts you in a special class of writers--working ones.
Til Next Time~

Monday, September 10, 2007

This will be short, but hopefully sweet. I wanted to write and give you a website to check out. I first read about this in Writer's Digest or on one of their blog pages. It is This site holds and annual free conference. It runs for a week and is free. I signed up some time ago. I'm not sure if there are any spaces still available, but you might want to check. It looks very promising. The conference takes place in October.
Must run for now. Baby is coming. I only have him for two days this week, so I'll write more about this conference site later.
Til Then~