Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yikes! I thought I'd written before now. I am pressing on this book. I sat down at this computer at 9 this morning and it's past 9 now. I'm trying to do interviews, gather information and write about 3000 words a day. I am continually amazed at how much lack of cooperation I am receiving. I make phone calls. No one calls me back. I called one restaurant five times. Each time the owner promised me an interview. When I finally pinned her down and asked the first question, she said I would have to talk to the owner. I asked for the owner the very first time I called. I feel like hitting my head on the desk. I'm still behind on word count and these people are not helping at all. If I didn't need them in this book, I would so axe their tails out of it.
Now, there are some people who are nice, get right back to me, but then there are others... Argh!
I'm tired, so I'm closing. Be thankful you are not me right now.
Until next time, keep writing.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day everybody!!! I'm working today. It seems as if no one else is. Then Monday there is the holiday. Blah! I hit the 35,000 word mark today on the book. I'm getting ready to work on the trucker book here in a bit. It's snowing outside. My husband is supposed to watch our grandbaby tonight while my son and his wife go out. I'll be here. No doubt working. Argh! Well, this is the life I always wanted. It could be worse. I could have no work at all. SO....
Got to run and get to work.
Til Next Time, Keep Writing~

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The past few days have been crazy. I got behind on the book, so today I had to try to catch up. Yesterday, I worked on galleys for my book coming out in the Spring. I've been trying to work on the trucker book. Haven't made much head-way, but plan on moving some mountains tonight. Must run. Still have work to do.

Monday, February 09, 2009

I've had a disasterous week as far as writing and the book is concerned. Wednesday, my little laptop died. I worked for a few days trying to get it fixed and then just decided to go ahead and get a new one. The other screen was too small anyway. Buuuttttt, all that messing around put me behind several days on the book. I'm not happy. Now it's time to catch up. Today, I'm trying to do those things I put off while dealing with the 'puter. Anyway, I'm hoping to get in a rhythm and get back on it. Now, I have to work every day for the rest of the month to get to where I need to be page wise. Ah, the life of a writer. Right now, it's blah. Heading out to get busy, so....
Until next time,
Keep Writing.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I can't believe ten days has passed since last I wrote. I kept my grandson for about five days. He was so precious. Wanted to read. We did that, played and watched movies. Every day he hasn't been here I've been working on the book. I'm 114 pages in, 18, 500 words. Whew! My goal is to do 5 pages for 20 days in February and 20 in March. Over the weekend I'm going to print off what I have so far. Yesterday, I started to work on the trucker book too. So far, so good. I'm not feeling too confident. I know on in to this thing, it becomes a nightmare. Yikes! I got two months to get it whipped into shape.
Some great news on another front. Today, I got a couple books on book prices. For years, I've collected some old books here and there. One of the books I got is a Charles Dickens first Edition. I paid $250 dollars for it a year ago and have beat myself up over spending that much money for a book I wasn't sure about. Well, today I found out it's worth between $500 and $1200. Even if I'm on the load end of the spectrum, I still doubled my money. So, yippeee for me. I want to start collecting more books, but I was determined to buy quality stuff. Hopefully now I can learn what the books I want are worth before I buy them.
Tomorrow is another day at the keyboard. Hopefully another productive one.
Until Next Time, Keep Writing~