Monday, September 01, 2014

School Time


Am working on school stuff today. I am almost finished with my Pharmacy Technician program. Once I am finished with that, end of September, mid October, I should be okay with the rest of the classes. We'll see.

I'm afraid however, that on the education smart scale. I'm going backwards. Ha!


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Where Does the Time Go?

Hello there!

I know it's been sometime since I posted. I finally got around to figuring out how to post on my blog again. Yes, it had been that long. Sad, I know.

Sooo many things have changed in my life. One of my new current goals is to post here at least once a week. I want to use it as a journal of sorts, to not only keep you my readers up to date, but a record of what I'm doing and where I'm going.

The last year has not been an easy one for me, but I guess life lessons are not easy for anyone.

I did finish a book, have lost over 50 pounds, and started college. I am still working a full time job on the night shift. My life is currently very hectic, but then who's isn't. I've had friends who have died and those who I've lost contact with, not meaning to. I am hoping to connect again with them soon.

With all that said, thank goodness for Facebook. I know it has issues, but it has allowed me to stay in touch with some of the more important people in my life.

I am happy to be back here writing again. Over the next few months, I will share my current journey, where I've been and where I want to go.

Life is a process and definitely a journey. We all have our own journeys. Ours is the best we can do at the time we're doing it.

Will write again soon. Until then, you keep writing.


Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Learning Something New

I am always on the lookout for new things. I have always wanted to do a Blog Tour, but didn't know how to or even get started. I'd like to thank T.C. Miller for giving me the push. I'm not sure I did it correctly, but T.C. will have the process down. You can visit his blog to see how it's really done. Visit

In the meantime, read my responses for this blog tour below and leave a comment.

1) What am I working on? I am working on two projects-a non-fiction proposal and a first novel for a mystery series I've been kicking around for some time.

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre? My fiction work differs from others of this genre in that it goes beyond staying in one time period. It's not time travel, but my main character has to travel to different times through research to solve mysteries.

3) Why do I write what I do? I write fiction and non-fiction at the same time because I like to switch from analytical to creative free form when my brain gets tired of working one way. I have friends who write fiction and say they can't write non-fiction, and then those who write non-fiction. I actually enjoy doing both. It works for me.

4) How does my writing process work? Like I said earlier, I shift from one project to another. One thing that does help me do it and do it easily is when I start a project, I choose a specific CD or set of music that speaks to me about the project I am working on. I then listen to that particular music every time I work on that project.

Thanks for visiting here. Remember to visit T.C. Miller's website and read his blog. Later in the week, I'll post three other writers and their blog addresses you can visit to read about their projects and their writing processes.

Until next time, keep writing.

Monday, May 05, 2014


Look for new post tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

New Year, New Book, New Resolutions

Happy New Year! As we start the new year, it's time to learn from our mistakes and move forward with new hope, new projects, and new ambitions. I have big plans for this new year. I hope you do too!

Thursday, May 09, 2013

The 10K of Writing

Hello Writers!

Three weeks ago, I began the "Couch to 10K" running program. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to run, jog, sprint, whatever one wants to call it. I'd see people jogging down my street and say, "one day I'm going to do that". Somehow that day never came.
    Then my daughter and I heard about a running program from a colleague of hers at work. It seemed reasonable and the more I read about it, the more I felt confident I could do it. I have walked for years, but running? Well, that was a different story.
     The day of truth arrived. We headed down to the high school track, just below our house. I put my headphones on and started the program. The warm-up was fine. Even the first run was okay. And then it got ugly. The program is set so you alternate between running and walking. By the time, it came for me to run the third time, I was beginning to question why I was doing this. I became nauseated and with each new run time, I had to quit before the minue was up or start way late in to the run. On more than one occasion, I stumbled and knew I was going to do a face plant right on the cushiony track.
     I kept going though and even though I didn't run the whole time, I made it through the first routine. And believe me, it wasn't pretty.
     The second day, I was surprised to find I made it through half of the running spots completely and almost made it through the others. Day three arrived and to an even greater surprise I made it all the way, running through the spots I was supposed to.
     Wanting to make sure I had the first level down, I repeated it the second week. While my form wasn't great, I did it. One thing I noticed was that my breathing rate recovered a lot faster than when I first started. I was making progress.
     I missed the next day because I had appointments in the morning and then had to work until late that night. The next morning, I so did not want to get out of bed. It felt good just to lie there and do nothing. I thought about my running, but really didn't want to do it.
     Somehow though, I talked myself in to getting up and doing it anyway. I planned to stay at Level 1 for at least another week, but for some reason when I started the program, it moved to Level 2. I didn't realize that until one of my songs ended and where I should have stopped running, the program hadn't notified me to stop. Looking down, it was then I saw I had been bumped up.
     I pondered stopping, resetting the program and doing Level 1. Then I reasoned I had already warmed up, made it through a minute and a half run. What was the worst thing that could happen? I could only do part of the workout? I wanted to see how far I could go. Wanted to see how much progress I "had" made.
     Halfway in, I wasn't sick to my stomach. I had completed the running portions and still I could breathe fairly normal. My form wasn't great, but I was doing it. Thirty five minutes later, I had completed the beginning of Level 2 and had done it completely. I had improved.
     I wrote about this today, because writing is much like training for the 10K. We all start out taking baby steps. We may get sick to our stomach, not able to breathe and more than once feel like we're going to fall on our face. Our goal is not to go out there and run the 10K the first time. We wouldn't ask that of a person just getting off the couch. We shouldn't expect it of ourselves. We would expect first time runners to take their time and train, improve.
     That's the same thing we must do as writers. It doesn't matter when we first start out, how ugly our form is. I know my running is downright ugly. I've told friends if they see me out there, to turn away. My goal is to keep improving by doing my program day after day. I can improve my form when I get comfortable with the run and my breathing gets steady.
     For now, I'm happy with the little improvements. Every time I get out there, even if I can go just 30 more seconds, that's improvement. I'm not in competition with anyone. I just want to get better. If it takes fourteen weeks or twenty four, I'm not to judge. I'm to show up, do the program and trust the process. If I do, I will improve, be it pretty or not...for now.
     The same is true of writing. Show up everyday, at your keyboard or with your pen and notepad, put words down on paper, trust the process, and you will improve.

Until Next Time~
Keep Writing

Friday, March 29, 2013

Catching Up

Hello Readers!

Seems like all I'm doing lately is catching up. I get ahead and then weeks go by and I'm behind again. I've been working, watching my grandson, working on taxes, sending out postcards to museums for the "Remarkable Oklahoma Women" book, and roughing the quilt book.  In between times, I'm doing interviews and trying to get back to museums contacting me about selling the book.

Hopefully, in to April, I will be able to execute my plan for my writing career. I am also working on getting on an exercise schedule and working with a nutritionist. Things will get better.

Until I can write next time, keep writing. And remember, you can't sell a product if you don't have a product to sell. So, get pen to pad.
