Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hello! Have been working on 'the book'. I have to admit when my editor said she still needed it by October 26th, I didn't think it was possible. However, about two weeks later, I am almost half-way through it. Yippeeee for me!!!! I have been suffering headaches and at times I swear I'm going blind because I literally can't see the keyboard, but I'm muddling through. I talked to a friend yesterday who said, "I'd put my money on you anytime". Hmmmm.
Tonight, America's Got Talent comes on. Will definitely be watching that. Down to 10. I don't know. I want at least 5 of those 10 to win. it's not fair. Oh, I said that before so I won't keep saying it, but it's not. They have so much talent.
Tomorrow, I am going to see my little "Sugar Bear". He wasn't feeling good Monday when I was down. His mama says he's feeling better now. He is such a little cutie pie. He loves airplanes. When one flies over, he'll point up to the sky and say, 'plane, plane'.
Okay, enough of my going on. Time I get back to work.
What about you? Are you working?
Oh, I almost forgot. If you haven't already, go check out the Muse Conference Online. I believe it is You can only sign-up for classes until September 30th, I believe. For those of you who may not know, this is a writer's conference online aaaaaannnnddd it is free. Be there or be square.
Until Next Time~

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hello All! Contrary to all rumors, I have not been abducted by aliens or fallen off the face of the earth. I am still in Colorado, however, I must admit I face deja vu daily. I am working on the 7th edition of Oklahoma Off the Beaten Path. Staring at the mountains, but traveling to Oklahom by phone and internet can get pretty wild. I've been putting in some hard time as my deadline is October. Yikes! This week's work has been good so far. It looks as if I may make that deadline.
Made it through the Olympics...let me see...the political speeches, and now we're back to "America's Got Talent". So far, my Neal, is moving on up. I have to admit I am tremendously torn though. I want Neal and Eli to win. There are others, but they are my top two. It is going to be painful to see one win and not the other. I don't know if I can stand it. Now is the time I would like to be God (or rich), so I could bless both of them with fortunes. All I can say is someone had better pick them up. They have such incredibles me the shivers.
Enough of that.
I am excited. Tomorrow, I get to see my grandson. Haven't seen him for a few days. Tomorrow he gets to spend a few days with gammy. Can't wait.
In the meantime, I've got to keep working. You keep writing too.
Til Next Time~