Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wow! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated this blog. I've been somewhat busy catching up on some art projects, watching baby, keeping up with writing assignments, and getting ready for Nano Month.
Today in this blog, I'll be giving updates, telling new news, and sharing some exciting news.
First, the updates. I'm feeling better. I am behind on everything which makes me nuts, but I'm hoping to get ahead on all that soon. Right now, I lie awake at night thinking of all the stuff I should be up doing. Yikes!
Grandbaby has four teeth now and he knows how to use them. He likes to use gammy as a mountain, so he's climbing all over me and clumping down on the other side.
Still haven't started the infamous diet, but plan to soon. I did get my exercise bike cleaned off, so it's ready to go.
Second, new news. I'm doing Nano again this year and am excited. Last year, I wrote a book, but midway through realized the direction I was heading would not take me to publication. This year, I've got some wonderful characters and a plot that should (fingers crossed) carry through to publication. Nano Month will be the start of it. I think then I can finish, rewrite, and have a publishable story. Yippppeeeee!
Tomorrow, I leave for four days to attend a Book Festival. I do two sessions and a booksigning. It will be nice to be surrounded by other writers, just the spur on I need for November.
Finally, the exciting news. I received an email today which informed me I won the "Irish Lottery". How exciting is that? To win something I didn't even enter. Will wonders never cease? I won't be holding my breath until the check arrives and won't be responding. After all, if I won without entering, I'm sure they can find where to send the check. Ha!
Until next time, keep writing!
Til Then~

Monday, October 15, 2007

Slowly, and I use that word strongly, getting back in to the swing of things. Medication is almost gone, so is the pain. Thank goodness. Two weeks ago tomorrow, I got up was feeling fine, until 9:00 A.M., then whammo. I had this most incredible pain in my right side. Doctors thought it was my appendix, but come to find out it was a kidney stone. By the time verything was said and done, I had to have surgery and have been recouperating. But enough about that.
I spent last week attending a conference online. It was wonderful. I learned a lot and highly recommend you to sign up for next year. Go to and check it out. It ran for an entire week. There was a mix of sessions--poetry, children's, fiction, non-fiction, the business end, and inspirational end. Such a mix of people too. I was quite impressed with everything that went on. We received handouts, links to suggested sites, etc. I can't wait for next year!!!!
Today, I signed up again for the Nano-National Writing Month. If you've never done that, you need to. I learned a lot last year and am looking forward to this year, although I have NO idea what I'm going to write about now. It will come to me.
That's all for now. I'll write again next week.
Til Then~
Keep Writing

Friday, October 05, 2007

Hello All~
Just a short note to let you know it may be a few weeks before I catch up here. Just got out of the hospital. Had to have emergency surgery. Currently on pain meds, so I'm somewhat loopy. Will write all about it later.
Til Next Time~