The Olympics are over. No more excuses. It's time to buckle down and get to work.
I spent yesterday afternoon working on the travel guide book. Looks like that's what I'll be doing for the next two months. Oh well, that's what they pay me for. Ha!
In between or as I like to say, 'in my spare time', I've got to get my classes ready and record some CDs to get up on line.
I hope to get better at going to bed early, so I can get up early. This morning wasn't too bad. I can usually do it for a few days, then I crash. Too much to do. That's why I can't sleep. ARGH!
Have a lot to do today, so I'll close. I'll keep you posted on my page count for this book. Yikes! Right now, it's 0. Must change that today. I'll let you know tomorrow how I do.
Til Then~