Yesterday when I was making out our bills, I saw where our mortgage company was holding an essay contest. The prize $250,000 toward a new house. I went to their website, ran off the rules, and proceeded to read them.
I was a little put off by their topics, but kept kicking around the third one in hopes something would enter the brain. It wasn't until this morning, in the shower no less, that an idea came to me. I sat down before lunch and knocked out the 350 word masterpiece. :-)
I think the topic/idea is a good one, however I know there will be thousands of competitive pieces. I've got to go back, edit the piece, cut about 100 words, edit again, and then I will send it in. I know my chances of winning are astronomical..against, but once I get it in, there will be a chance.
They're not to announce the winner until February 2007 and by then this contest will long be forgotten. I've not told my family as I don't want them to know--let it be a surprise if, and that is a big IF, I win.
I myself, already feel like a winner because I sat down and wrote something. That's the way we have to look at all contest we enter. They are all so subjective. I remember contests I've entered where I've received scathing remarks, only to sell the piece or in some cases already have the piece sold.
The simple truth is one must 'write' and feel good about what has been written. I'm there for today.
Til Tomorrow~