Friday, August 04, 2006

Whew! What a day. Have been up since the crack dawn, working, working, working. Today is one of those days I wish I could rewind and do over. Tomorrow, I will have to go duplicate what I did today. Yes, it's been one of those days.
On the new book, I was happily writing along when I realized I was missing part of what I'd written. God alone knows what happened to it and I'm not being sacreligious when I say that. Tomorrow, I will have to go rewrite that section. Argh!
Theeeeeeennn, I thought I was moving along on the proofs for the travel book, but alas no. I stumbled upon a misspelled word and when I started searching for an area where I knew it would be, nothing matched up. The Index of this book is having to be totally redone, so I have spent most of the afternoon reindexing a fourth of the thing. Theeeen, I hit a page where the illustration is three pages off from the entry. When that is moved, it will mess up the index again. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Taking deep breaths, thinking detail work is good for the brain, will stave off alzheimers and brain forgetfulness. I keep telling myself this and know will convince myself it's true come page 202.
Off to take something for the headache I have.
Til Tomorrow~


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