Saturday, August 05, 2006

I think I got my feelings hurt the other day. My daughter said she visited my blog, and said that no one wanted to read about my walking everyday. First of all, I don't write about my walk everyday, but even if I did, it's because I 'enjoy' my walk. It gives me time to think and I think about writing.
Which brings me to my blog topic today-pondering what you are writing.
I am in the process of writing the rough draft of a book. As I walk, I think about what happened the day before in my scenes, I run new scenes through my head and see if they advance the story, and dialogue. Just today, I was thinking about a conversation a couple of my characters were having and realized the tone was all wrong, so I made notations to go back and change that before I moved on.
Granted people who are non-writers don't understand the time "alone" we spend thinking, plotting, planning, etc. Some people just sit in a chair and think. I walk.
My feelings are not hurt anymore. I've moved beyond that. I'm going to get through this book and it's all because of my walks, so.....
Til Tomorrow~


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