Monday, August 27, 2007

Thought I'd post today. Was going to put something down over the weekend, but got busy doing other things.
I have been reading another book titled "Thoughts are Things". I've heard the statement over and over again, but this author makes the argument about how the perceptions we have of ourselves are generally shaped by other people. For instance, if we hear over and over again that publishing is a tough business and it is difficult to break in to, it can be. I've had friends who totally lost hope of ever being published.
Some people get great ideas, but they never follow through with them and thus never fulfill any of their dreams or reach their goals. I've believed for a long time that no idea comes without there being a way to make it come true. Sure it may take some time to come up with how to pull it off and it may take some work, but if the idea is good enough, it will take shape.
I've heard "great minds think alike" for years. I am only now beginning to understand what that means.
The universe puts ideas in to several people's minds at the same time. Why? Because the universe knows only one or two may act on the idea--perhaps one quicker than the other. I've heard writers complain that editors steal their story ideas. Or how many times have you had an idea for an article or book, you don't get on it right away, and then months, sometimes years down the road, you'll read the article on the topic you have written or a similar book to the one you thought about hits the stands.
You are in control of your destiny. Only you can make the moves quickly and efficiently enough to get you where you want to go.
It is slowly sinking in to my inner mind. Is it yours?
Til Next Time~

Sunday, August 19, 2007

First, let me tell you we are safe here. Have friends who are struggling with the recent 'hurricane' that passed through the state, but we will help them get back on their feet. Last night was weird to say the least. We went over to my sister-in-law's house to play cards, but the electricity kept going out so we had to call it an early night. When we left, we kept seeing big blue flashes of light where the wind whipped the trees in to the power lines. We got home and yes it was raining, but we've gotten somewhat used to rain here in the state of Oklahoma.
Anyway, woke up this morning and it seems the storm turned in to a 'hurricane'. This is not my word, but what the National Weather Service is calling it. The storm formed a perfect 'eye' and acted like a hurricane. Who am I to nay-say the NWS?
But alas, the 'hurricane', as strange as that was to the state, is not why I write here.
I have a few links I want everybody to visit. They will cost you nothing, but may be worth everything to you. The first is and the second,
As I told you in an earlier blog, I read a book that has totally trasformed my life. I admit I have always been a weird duck, but I truly believe in the power of a person's subconscious, the words he speaks, the things he thinks on, and his success.
We must all believe it if we are to reach our goals.
Many years ago, I was pooh-poohed in my family for talking about the power of the subconscious (yes it was long before I read this book). My grandmother as usual was right there to support me. "God wouldn't have given you a brain if he didn't intend for you to use it," she said. I believe that with every fiber of my being. Our thoughts become things.
Come om people. Get on the stick. We've got to make our dreams come true. We've got to get those stories written and those books published. We've got to show the rest of the world that it can be done!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough for today. I am tired, but there is an excitement bubbling within me. There has been for some time. I don't know what it is, what's going to happen, but I'm willing to 'trust' that feeling and nobody, I mean NOBODY, is going to bring me down.
Til Next Time~

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wow! I knew it had been a few days since I posted, but I didn't realize it had been over a week. Good grief! Where does the time go?
The biggest reason I've not written is I've been doing research and reading until I'm almost blind. I stir supper with one hand while holding a book with the other. I have a couple interview articles to write and I'm reading the authors' books. After my vision becoming blurry about 2: 00 AM a few morning's ago, I decided there would be no way I could read ALL the books these authors have written, so I'm opting for the ones that look interesting to me. That's 9 for one author and gulp, 9 for the other. I have to have the books read by September 10, when I have to have questions ready, etc.
Ah well, such is the life.
I've also been reading some self-improvement books. There has been quite a bit of discussion about The Secret on several of the loops I'm on. I have found a book that is so much more powerful than TS. It is titled "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind". First published in 1963, it has been reprinted and reprinted. I picked my book up at Barnes and Noble. You can read it for free by visiting this website--
I have read both books and I must tell you, "TPOYSM" is better than "The Secret". When I finished reading THE SECRET, I still wasn't sure what the 'secret' was. I thought it was 'thoughts are things', but wasn't sure. In 'The Power...." you know what the secret is and Joseph Murphy gives the reader tools he can use right away.
In several of the chapters, he shares how writers can use their subconscious to find answers to writing problems. I am going to start recommending this book to all my writing friends and students. It is definitely a "must" read.
Back to reading...and writing.
Til Next Time~

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Back from my trip. Ran to Kansas to see my grandparents. They were doing as fine as can be expected. It was a nice trip.
Now, it's back to work. And there's piles of it lying around. I've got so much to do, thinking about it makes me dizzy.
My son kept the grandson today, so I am trying to catch up. Not an easy task and not sure I can do it in a day, but I think I can make a little headway.
Something I should pass along to you. Writer's Digest recently had their conference..I believe it is held in Hawaii. They recorded many of the sessions with their speakers and has made them available online. The Keynote address with Jodi Picoult is free. The website is You should really go check this out. I watched Jodi's address last night and learned some thing...yes even after writing as long as I have been writing. So, go check it out and let me know what you think.
Til Tomorrow~

Friday, August 03, 2007

Attempting to get baby on a schedule. I laughed at myself when I started thinking about this yesterday. I like to think I run a tight ship, am disciplined, and keep things in order. With babies, that is a little unrealistic. You sleep when they sleep or work when they sleep and when they are awake and want attention, you give it to them. Period. No questions asked.
I'm getting back in to the swing of things. I wrote and raised two children, so I am fairly certain I can get in to the swing of things with my grandson.
I will tell you what I am really looking forward to and that is the day, he'll be able to draw and color with me. I've already been looking at some art sets for him.
We read every day. He has a peekaboo book, the "Hello Bee, Hello Me" book, and two puppy books. He loves to read and will sit quietly and look at the pictures as I read to him. Lately, I've been singing the Gilligan Song to him. He laughs. I told him when he's older we'll watch Gilligan. That was one of his dad's favorite shows.
Yes, being a grandmother is fun. I am building up an arsenal of article ideas to write about. He's given me some new slants.
Til Next Time~

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I know it's been a few days since I've written. Trying to get beyond some personal events. You know when things happen and they knock you for a loop. Sometimes though I swear I feel like one of those punching bag clowns. You know the ones for kids--when you hit him, he falls to the ground, but pops right back up. That's me. In the past, I've always gotten up pretty quickly, now I tend to be a little slower. Anywho....
Haven't been sleeping well for the past week. Getting ready to go to Kansas, see if I can alleviate some guilt. Long story. Not looking forward to the trip, but one will do what one must do.
Off to check email and finish up a piece. Maybe later, I can work on an art project.
Til Later~