Today, I am trying to get info sent for a Book Festival I will be attending in November. I also need to send off some info for a class a friend wants me to teach. Good grief, just when I catch up, I get behind.
Baby is sleeping right now. I doubt if he will sleep long. That is why I write like a madwoman while he is resting. I love the little fellow. He just grins and jumps around, so excited about everything around him. To get back to that kind of excitement, that would be nice.
I have been watching the interviews the stations are doing with J.K. Wow! To be in her shoes. She has come a long way from where she began. It has been a wild ride and now she never has to worry about money again. It can happen in such a short amount of time. Passion and committment is all it takes.
Off to work on proposals.
Til Tomorrow~