Monday, November 26, 2007

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! It was hectic for me. I enjoyed the time spent with family, even though it went too fast. And then on the flip side, I'm glad it's over. I always stress out trying to be all things to all people. One would think after all these years, I'd have learned to 'chill'. Maybe some day.
I'm almost finished with Nano this year. I'm up over 43,000 words. I should definitely finish this week with flying colors. Allison, my friend, has already finished. I'm sure a lot of others have finished too, but I'm just plodding along. My goal this year with Nano was to write everyday and get in to a habit of doing so. I have accomplished that, I think. It's been fun.
I've been working on my articles. I should have those finished soon, too. And then I can concentrate on a other projects.
My grandbaby is growing by leaps and bounds. He is the most precious thing in the world. He loves to read and we read his books several times a day. He is taking a few steps every day. We think he'll be walking by Christmas.
That's it for now. I'll write more when I catch up.
Til then, keep writing.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hello All! How has your week gone? Mine has been a busy one. My grandson had a doctor's appointment Monday. I had one yesterday. During all this I have been working on Nano. I am up to 23,576 words now. Nearing the middle way point. Thunderous applause please! :-)
I have also been working on the two samples for one of my editors, the two interview pieces for another, and yet another article for a different editor. It occurred to me as I was doing some research for the last article mentioned that I dooo love what I do.
I simply can not imagine my life without writing, words, books. As I was contemplating my choice of careers, I realized I would write even if I won the lottery or more realistically, a rich uncle died and left me all his money. I love the process, trying to figure out the right way to tell a story, and looking for that right word to convey my meaning.
Writing, for me, is like breathing. What does it mean to you?
Til Next Time~

Monday, November 05, 2007

Hello all! Returned from the Festival. It seemed a good time was had by all. I had a good time. It was nice to get back amongst adults and writer adults at that. I saw some friends I hadn't seen since May and then some I hadn't seen longer than that. Made some new friends too, which is always nice. One writer, Tera Leigh, I was particularly thrilled to meet. She has written several art books for North Light. I almost fell off my chair. How exciting is that? A writer and artist-a woman after my own heart. Ha!
I started doing the Nano Writing Month Thursday, November 1. So far I have kept up with my word count. Today I turned in close to 8500 words total. I think I'm on a roll with this least the part I wrote today. Two days ago I decided the pages I had written two days earlier will have to go. Still feel that way, but I may be getting in to a steady pattern. Time will tell so we'll have to see.
It's back to the deadlines now.
Until next time, keep writing.