Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hello All! How has your week gone? Mine has been a busy one. My grandson had a doctor's appointment Monday. I had one yesterday. During all this I have been working on Nano. I am up to 23,576 words now. Nearing the middle way point. Thunderous applause please! :-)
I have also been working on the two samples for one of my editors, the two interview pieces for another, and yet another article for a different editor. It occurred to me as I was doing some research for the last article mentioned that I dooo love what I do.
I simply can not imagine my life without writing, words, books. As I was contemplating my choice of careers, I realized I would write even if I won the lottery or more realistically, a rich uncle died and left me all his money. I love the process, trying to figure out the right way to tell a story, and looking for that right word to convey my meaning.
Writing, for me, is like breathing. What does it mean to you?
Til Next Time~


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