It's amazing how as we get older our views on life change and time speeds up. Many years ago, my duaghter complained a lot because she was always bored. She always said she had nothing to do. I told her to enjoy those down times because one day she would have to much she had to do she wouldn't get to what she wanted to do. She laughed, but today, lack of time is what she complains about. "If I only I could go back to when I was 15, 16," she said the other day. "I had all kinds of time then."
I remember when I was young, I thought the same thing. I also never thought about the future, leaving something behind. Today, I think about that quite a bit. Perhaps one of the major things that got me to thinking about that was a letter one of my cousins found and sent me when we were actively researching our family tree. It was from one of my great grandmothers. She had committed suicide by hanging herself in the barn. Before she did however, she wrote a letter. telling why. To me the letter wasn't as significant as was the fact that I had never heard her name mentioned until I received the email from cuz. Through all her pain and suffering, even after her death, it seemed no one cared enough to talk about her. I understand about family shame from suicide and the stigma attached especially since our family always claimed to be a deeply religious one. However, because of that, it would seem discussion would be warranted to prevent it from happening again.
There are a lot of places I could go with this, but will stop here and let you ponder your time and circumstances today. Remember, tomorrow is another day.
Til Then~