Yikes! The ice storm doesn't cometh, it is hereth. The limbs on our trees are almost on the ground. One branch broke earlier this morning and crashed into our fence. Thank goodness we don't have to worry about animals escaping.
We still have electricity. Unfortunately, both our kids don't. Our daughter who lives in Kansas lost hers two nights ago. Our son and his wife lost theirs about two hours ago. We have little baby, so I'm hoping we keep ours on. So far, so good. Our electrical lines are underground, but the transformers are up on poles. As long as those hold, we'll be good. If those go, welll.... We do keep flickering. Went off for a little bit then came back on. But hey, as long as it's on, I say that's good.
I am almost completely caught up with my writing assignments. Got to do some edits today. Then later on in the week, I'll edit the two interviews I've done. Should be finished in plenty of time before we take off for Christmas. I don't plan to be back in this office until January 5.
So, if I don't get a chance to write before then, happy holidays to everyone reading this.
Until Next Time~