Wednesday, December 05, 2007

To blog everyday or NOT to blog everyday. That seems to be the question. I was making an attempt to blog every day and then I read that wasn't necessary and readers actually didn't like it when one blogged every day. Then, I read just over the last week that one should blog every day because it allows the search engines more words so you can be found and readers want to know what the blogger is doing.
I'm thinking maybe they would want to know what celebrities are doing and maybe if my family and I were working on a project, readers would want to read a daily blog, but just me...I don't know.
I guess it boils down to each his own-how he feels about the blog and if he has anything to say. If I was on a grand tour or if I had made the Bestseller's List and was being interviewed by Matt Lauer or Oprah, then I might have cause to blog every day. As it stands now, I think probably once a week is good for me.
Until Next Week...or if I get a call from M or O.


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