Learning Something New
I am always on the lookout for new things. I have always wanted to do a Blog Tour, but didn't know how to or even get started. I'd like to thank T.C. Miller for giving me the push. I'm not sure I did it correctly, but T.C. will have the process down. You can visit his blog to see how it's really done. Visit http://www.blackjackbomber.com/blog.
In the meantime, read my responses for this blog tour below and leave a comment.
1) What am I working on? I am working on two projects-a non-fiction proposal and a first novel for a mystery series I've been kicking around for some time.
2) How does my work differ from others of its genre? My fiction work differs from others of this genre in that it goes beyond staying in one time period. It's not time travel, but my main character has to travel to different times through research to solve mysteries.
3) Why do I write what I do? I write fiction and non-fiction at the same time because I like to switch from analytical to creative free form when my brain gets tired of working one way. I have friends who write fiction and say they can't write non-fiction, and then those who write non-fiction. I actually enjoy doing both. It works for me.
4) How does my writing process work? Like I said earlier, I shift from one project to another. One thing that does help me do it and do it easily is when I start a project, I choose a specific CD or set of music that speaks to me about the project I am working on. I then listen to that particular music every time I work on that project.
Thanks for visiting here. Remember to visit T.C. Miller's website and read his blog. Later in the week, I'll post three other writers and their blog addresses you can visit to read about their projects and their writing processes.
Until next time, keep writing.