I've almost got the first half of the book to go. Three quick, short interviews and some editing on the computer and it will be ready to go off. I'll be about two weeks early from what my contract reads, but when my editor originally wanted the first half. So.... The second half is going to be a little trickier. I'm working on it, but I think it will probably be more toward the end of March before it gets in instead of the middle of the month.
I am finding the second half is proving problematic because I have been working steadily on the first half. It's not that I'm running out of steam, just tired. I have broken down my chapters in to outlines, pretty detailed, so every day I go in to write I at least have something to research, check out, etc. From the very beginning I gave myself a word count-750 words a day. I typically go over each day, but some days I'm right on.
It's been a challenge. Believe it or not I've learned a lot. Not about my subject per se, but about the writing process in general. It's been good for me and a learning process.
Still plugging away at the women's book. Should have the first story rough drafted today. I've had trouble grappling with that thing. So much research to go through, so much I've wanted to include, but I'm trapped by a word count. Yesterday, I printed off what I had, then deleted the whole thing and started over.
I had a message on this blog asking to give some writing hints, ideas, or tips in my blog. Since I've been teaching, I am a fount of info. So for Emily, here is my writing suggestion or idea for today.
If you don't have time to write long pieces for publication. Start out by writing fillers. A filler is a short piece around 50 words, no longer than 100. These can be tips you can give housewives, parents, grandparents ranging from how to clean the stove top to how to build relationships with friends or family. For marketing these fillers, look in the magazines you read all the time. Eighty percent of all magazines use fillers. Hope this helps.
Until Next Time~
Keep Writing