Friday, August 28, 2009

What a week. Have been working on maps for the book and waiting for edits to come back from the copy editor. I'm also getting ready to judge a couple contests for some groups, plus travel back to Oklahoma. September should be a busy and exciting month. Ha!
I'll be adding some free and paid for reports to my website soon. Be on the lookout for that, but I'll make an announcement when everything is up.
Off to work on an outline for another book.
Until Next Time
Keep Writing~

Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's been a lazy month, but I am back to work. I turned in the book on July 12th before 10:00 a.m. Made my editor happy. Took a month off. Planned to do a lot, but basically did nothing. Not good on any front. However, I am getting on it.
I have been working on getting my website updated. Some of the changes I wanted made are having to be made by my webpeople. They told me they would have things done in a couple weeks. Great! Just as I'm ready to go back to Oklahoma. Anywho--
In the meantime, I have joined Facebook and Twitter. Still learning the ropes over there. Twitter is fun. One can only put 140 characters per tweet. Brevity is king. Ha! Facebook is a little more lenient, buuuutttt I'm still trying to decide if once you post on your wall, everyone can see it. Don't want to over burden people, soooo.... Still working on both of them.
I'm going to be loading a couple writing programs on this 'puter so I can get to work on another book. The plot is pretty solid, buuuttttt I'm having trouble with my main character's backstory and profession. Hmmmm. I'll keep plugging away.
Oh, something fun. Go check out the cover for my new book at It's called the "Insider's Guide to Oklahoma City". You can already pre-order a copy.
Until Next Time~
Have Fun and Keep Writing