While buried in snow, I thought I would catch everyone up on what's happening here.
I completed my 50,000 words for my Nano Novel. Two days early, I might add. I was very pleased. Learned so very much, even I am surprised. It's amazing what can happen when an author gets out of the story and let's her characters take over.
Also, I have been emerged in Jane Austen. I read her book Emma and just finished a series of Jane Austen Mysteries edited by Stephanie Barron. Supposedly, a stack of Jane Austen's journals were found in an old Victorian attic in Baltimore. I believe, the intro to the series says 1992. This house belonged to relatives of Austen and when the current owners found the books, passed them on to Barron.
I have always loved Jane Austen and these books are so enthralling, to be honest, I don't know what I will do now that I am finished. I'm hoping there will be more at a later date, but we'll have to see.
Oh, to write like Miss Austen.
December will be hectic. I hope to write at least every other day here. I'm going to be updating my website. The new book is out and I just sent my latest assignment in to F&W. The end of the year promises to go out with a bang.
Will write more later.
Til Then~