Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wow! What a day. My mother called me at 4:51 AM. She and my dad are truckers. They were on the east coast and sometimes mother forgets I am two time zones away from her. She called yesterday at 5 A.M. Now, I am an early riser, but typically I sleep until 6:30 especially if I'm up until after midnight. Anywho, I asked her to please check the time zones next time she calls. I've lived with a headache for the past few days.
Am better now and I'm sure tomorrow will be okay. It's just a shock to the system. It scares me when I receive a call that early. I think she may have gotten a little confused because they got lost in NYCity. Mother is a very nervous person and doesn't care for that part of the world.
I started paying attention to time zones years ago. I was assigned to interview a musician over in the UK. I thought I had figured correctly, but instead woke the guy up at 2 A.M. to ask him for an interview. Bless his heart, he agreed, but requested I do it later in the day.
From then on, I checked and double checked. It was before the age of instant Internet info. These days all one has to do is 'log on' and the information is waiting for him. I'm sure this musician is happy about that. Yikes!
I wrote the article and all was far as I've ever known. I know however, that somewhere when time zone issues come up, he tells the story about the 'stupid' writer who called him in the middle of the night.
I've done my book pages. Whew! it's getting pretty emotional. My three pages drained me today. Tomorrow I will be back at it. I'm determined.
Til Then~


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