Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Perfectionism. What is it? To me it is a condition where an artist can't create because he is so afraid of getting it wrong, he freezes. I've suffered from this for as long as I can remember. When I sit down at the keyboard, it is painful for me to put words on paper because I hear my mother, "if you can't do it right the first time, don't do it at all." That was the mantra around our house. I heard it so often, it's as ingrained as my breath. I am currently in the middle of editing one of my books and another project. I procrastinate because I am so afraid to see what I've written, it almost makes me sick. Amazingly enough, when I do finally get to the pages, they're not half bad. Yikes! We'll see how today goes.
I encourage all of you who have prefectionist tendency to set it aside. Do something spontaneous, totally out of the ordinary for you. You never know what or who you will discover.
Til Tomorrow~


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