Sunday, December 04, 2005

Amazing that I keep running across these places that give me permission to just sit and think. I believe that is the way I keep my creative engine running. Everyone should be allowed some sit and think time on a daily basis.
This morning when I was reading the Observation Deck, the card talked about 'Ribe tuchus'. It is a Yiddish phrase for rub your bottom on th chair. How many times have I told newbie writers to do just that? How many times have I known myself that is the only way to get any writing done? One has to sit in the chair and write. But what if you can't. What if one hasn't had the time to percolate and has nothing to write about? Sit anyone.
The Deck discusses Daniel Pinkwater and how he created a regime to overcome block. Everyday, he had to sit at his desk for 60 minutes. It didn't matter if he wrote anything or not. He couldn't do anything else, but write, but even if he sat there for 60 minutes and didn't do anything at all it was a successful time. Soon, he found he was writing.
I believe it probably was because after a while, he had percolated. He had taken the time to be alone and think. Then he had something to write about.
Our lives are so full today. We are in such a hurry all the time. My only wish and dream is to have time to sit, think, percolate, and write. What about your's?
Til Next Time~


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