Wednesday, May 23, 2007

As humans, and particularly as adults, there will be times in our lives when things don't go as planned. I am finding these 'things' can and usually do happen on a daily basis. What one has to do is accept these occurrences and move on. When something changes in my daughter's plans or she feels like things aren't going the way she wants them to, she says 'God hates her'. I tell her 'not so'. My husband gripes, complains about everyone around him and blames them. I have several friends who drink and then there is the friend who cusses like a sailor. Ah, good people one and all, but they all need to be flexible.
Things happen, but when they do, one has to move on. One can't dwell on the circumstances or the way things are. Just keep plowing forward like a snowplow does through a huge snow drift. If you keep plowing, pretty soon you'll be able to see what you should be doing.
Keep on, keeping on.
Til Tomorrow~


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