Friday, May 18, 2007

Today has already been an interesting day. I haven't gotten anything accomplished, but I've been thinking and pondering working on a lot of things. In lieu of that, I am hauling out my Daytimer and will making a list again. I have a tendency to be very disciplined when I have my list written out. I've not been keeping a list, so I dwaddle a lot. Writing things down helps keep me focused and instead of just sitting and thinking about things, I actually do them. It truly is amazing how much a person can get done if he concentrates on doing it.
Funny thing my Daytimer. I've been thinking about writing my to-do's in it and have been moving it here and there with me, but have yet to jot any notes. Am going to change that here in a bit.
So, I'm off to find myself some discipline. What are your plans for today?
Til Tomorrow~


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