Hello All!
Didn't write yesterday. Was mired down in a tub of self-pity. Sometimes I feel like Sylvia Plathe. I have tried to be positive over the years, but yesterday and this morning, looks grim. I am to the point where I feel nothing will ever change, I will never have enough time to write, and never make those big sales that I want to. It's sad really. I feel if I could lock myself away, I could do what I wanted to do and that is write to my heart's content.
As it is now, I only have snatches of time here and there. I write articles, but even those are so disjointed because I don't have the time to spend sitting, meditating, and thinking about what I truly want to write. Yesterday it came to me that I truly never will because something in life always gets in the way. One has to work, make money, to support oneself, and that leaves nothing for creativity.
I spoke to a friend yesterday who was reading a book about Nathaniel Hawthorne. Even he was complaining about the time issue. I guess it's our lot in life.
Writers suffer. No one takes us seriously except ourselves and we are fighting constantly to create so people will.
Chew on that for a while.
Til Tomorrow~
But if there weren't those distractions in life we would have nothing to write about..
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