Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Today was an interesting day in my publishing world. I shared my observations with my critique partner, Allison. There are two different views when it comes to writing and publishing. When a new writer steps up to the plate, he is optimistic, knows he can and will hit a home run. I am working with a new client who has that view. She is excited, thrilled that she's written a 543 page romance, and ready to take on the publishing world.
Then there are those writers who have been in the business for a long time. They've become jaded and down right cynical. This morning I received an email from an old writing friend. He's been plugging away, sending his current manuscript out to "anyone with an address", and he's received rejection after rejection. He's been writing for twenty years, been published in magazines, worked on special projects, etc. His comment to me was "all agents are asses".
Okay, I feel his pain. Being in the business for twenty years myself, I have become a little cynical myself. There are days when I sit and bemoan the fact that writing is so difficult and the publishing world doesn't appreciate the slaves who fuel the machines.
Then I have good days, when the words flow, a plot comes together, and I too am optimistic about my future. Those are the days I want to hold on to. Those are the days I MUST hold on to.
My career is difficult, but the rewards...well frankly I can't see myself doing anything else but writing. It is truly what I was meant to do even if the rest of the world doesn't believe it.
Til Tomorrow~


At 5:07 AM , Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

It must be very difficult to be a professional writer.
Do you, or any of the other writers ever think of self publishing.
A fellow blogger has done this. I don't know if she has sold many copies of her book or not but it is published.
Just curious..


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