Sunday, October 02, 2005

"Sometimes a person has to go back, really back--to have a sense, an understanding of all that's gone to make them--before they can go forward." --Paule Marshall
The first time I read that quote was several years ago. I didn't really understand it. I had gone back, looked at my life, but left out the parts I didn't like or couldn't deal with. Then, two years ago, an experience from my past hit me squarely up beside the head. I began to see how little things I didn't think affected me have actually affected me in a big way.
Keeping a journal and writing down my thoughts about different experiences I now see as a big deal have helped me deal with them. I am using my entries in my work to strengthen the emotional content of it. Acknowledging experiences have been painful, but they have helped me grow and expand my writing capapbilities.
It has been downright difficult at times. I find I would rather hide away than face people most days, but somehow I keep going forward. The past few days have been especially tough, but I am determined to get back on track.
Until Tomorrow~


At 7:06 AM , Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Writing about our feelings does help us get through things.
When I have been going through hard times I have also found that it's a good idea to keep a journal of good things that have happened on a day to day basis.
When you are at your lowest point just reviewing even your smallest accomplishments can make a world of difference. .


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