Sunday, August 07, 2005

Another day. So far it's been a successful one for me. I've gotten a number of things done. Still have a way to go tonight, but things are coming along.
I went out to the Park. They got Jeff's body out, but now it would seem there is this investigation. I guess quite a number of people passed him or he passed them. They said he was in good spirits. He talked to the kids about moss and leaves. Those people were from Oklahoma. Sad, just so very sad. Makes me want to cry everytime I think about it.
As I said, I was out at the Park. There was this teeny-tiny mountain sheep going up with his mommie. He was so little and dark. Looks like he can't be very old.
I tried out my new artist's pens I got. Ooohhh, I like those. I've been trying to figure out what I can do with all this new artist skill I have acquired up here. I figured it out today. Not going to tell you here and now. You'll have to wait and see.
Am continuing on with my books too. Have already written 1000 words today. Getting ready to go in and work on the medieval.
Got to go check some things on the Internet too, so I'll close and write tomorrow.
Til Then~


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