Thursday, May 22, 2008

Last night I woke up at 1:40 AM and started to get deeper in to my worrying mode. I tend to be a worrier. I wish I wasn't. It seems if I truly don't have anything to worry about, I make something up. I know the statistics-that 90% of what one worries about never happens, but perhaps I worry about things because I want to be prepared. I'm not good with surprises and I tend to handle things better if I'm prepared.
My latest worry is about baby. What if he falls off the couch? How will he react when they move to Colorado? Who will watch him if I can't? Will we make enough money to support all of us up there with our new venture? What about gas? How are we going to get to where we need to go if gas keeps going up? What about the price of food? Can we make enough money to keep baby fed? And on and on and on.
Finally, I got so tired, I worked on changing thoughts. I started thinking about my writing. Even though I've not been as steady as I should have been with my schedule as I should have been lately, but one thing about 'writing' is it will always be there for me. No matter what else happens, good, bad, ugly things, writing is my strong arm and will always be.
I've also pinned down some directions I want to take my writing. That is for future blogs.
For now, get some sleep, stop worrying and keep writing.


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