Saturday, February 03, 2007

The seasons of our lives come and go like the seasons of our writing. In the summer, ideas and good writing come like the hot, sultry days of that season. In the fall, we begin to lose our edge, ideas begin to die and we find it more difficult to get our optimism up. It's not that creative life isn't there, it just takes a little more strength than it did in the summer. Winter hits and we feel like it's all over. Everything is barren. Our words are flat, our minds blank like an erased chalk board, and we wonder if summer was just a fluke, if we'll ever feel the warmth of success. But like the saying says, 'this too shall pass'. Soon, we begin to feel renewed, revived, a sense of optimism returns. Our ideas bloom and in our writing we see the possibility of if not great things, at least good. We have made it full cycle.
The seasons will cycle again. We must be ready for them. We must prepare ourselves for them as we do in our physical life.
Tomorrow, if I'm not in Kansas, we'll discuss preparing and making through winter.
Til Then~


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