Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day. For me, this day has been a bust. I had a lot planned for today, but just as I got up at 6:30 A.M. our electricity went off. I wrote in my journal using a flashlight, in hopes that within thirty minutes the electricity would be back on. It wasn't. I started getting cold, so I went back to bed. Won't tell you what time I got back up. Needless to say the electricity didn't come back on until 11. Can you believe it?
Then I got up and things just didn't go right at all. It's 2:30 now and I am only now doing my blog. I am determined to get my words in today, so with that I will close so I can go and work on them.
Here's to a great remaining of what's left of the day!
Til Tomorrow~


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