Thursday, November 16, 2006

I've been working on my Nano Novel and contemplating several things. One thing, you've got to do when you do a nanonovel is turn off the inner editor. Much easier said than done. But why? Why does creativity seem to require such pooh, before works of art can be created? I was reading somewhere about how Michelangelo would take a piece of stone, look at it, examine it, walk around it for days, perhaps his chin resting in his hand, as he waited for the stone to speak to him and tell him what he wanted it to become. I wish I could find that reference for you because I was fascinated by the thought.
I thought about origami and how all those pieces of art start out as flat sheets. To take something from nothing and make it beautiful or bring it to life, that's what artists do. To be counted among them is my greatest dream. Is that yours?
Til Later~


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