Friday, April 06, 2007

Ever have one of those days when things are so bizarre they are filled with writing ideas, but you know no one would believe you if you wrote about them? Today was such a day.
First, I got up and it was snowing. This was after it was in the 80's a few days ago.
Second, I went shopping. I was checking out, writing a check and the electricity went out. They couldn't finish my transaction, but they wrote things down and I was able to take my purchases with me. Other shoppers weren't so lucky.
I then went to another store in the same area, but they wouldn't let anyone in because their electricity was off too. Didn't get what I needed there.
I've jotted these occurences down in my journal and some day I'll use these things in something. It's little incidents like these that writers take and use. It's all fodder for the writing world.
What happened to you today?
Til Tomorrow~


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